Dike Ajiri Steps to Get You Started in Business

Dike Ajiri
3 min readFeb 13, 2022


In today’s society, there are more people starting their own businesses than ever before. However, a lot of them don’t know where to start or what kind of resources are available for them. If you’re an entrepreneur looking to get started in business, this article will walk you through the basics of how to make your company successful from day one.

Get started with your small business ownership and entrepreneurship idea

If you’re an entrepreneur like Dike Ajirilooking to get started in business, this article will walk you through the basics of how to make your company successful from day one.

Plan your business

Planning will help you figure out who your customers are and what you need to do in order to be successful. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you get there? You should write down all the steps that need to go into making your business a success.

The first step is deciding what type of business you want to start. This can be anything from a restaurant or bar to a children’s market or pet store, so it’s best that you know what your specialty area is before getting started. There are two common types of businesses: service-based or product-based.

A service-based business makes money by providing a product or service for sale (think car mechanic or insurance agent). A product-based business sells products directly to consumers without any direct interaction with the consumer (think ice cream shop). If you decide on a product-based business, then determine what type of product you want to sell and how much it will cost the consumer.

The next step is brainstorming all the possible products and services that your new small business could offer. It’s helpful if you have some ideas already in mind when brainstorming, but don’t worry if not — what’s more important is writing down anything and everything that comes out of your head while brainstorming! Once all the ideas have been written down, prioritize them based on what you believe is most important for success.

Research before you start small business ownership and entrepreneurship

It is important to research before you make the commitment of becoming an entrepreneur or starting your own business. Research will help you see what other entrepreneurs and companies are doing, so you can see if it’s a good idea for you.

The research will also help you find out if this type of business is for you. If it’s not for you, then there’s no sense in wasting your time and money on something that won’t work out. This research will also help show whether or not someone else has already been successful with what you’re trying to do.

Market your company.

One of the most important steps in running a successful business is marketing your company. This is where you’ll get the word out about your new idea to the public and make more money for your business. Market your company by making an elevator pitch, creating a social media presence, and finding what people are willing to pay for.

There are many different ways you can market your company online, in person, on social media, or through printed materials that will help you reach new customers.



Dike Ajiri
Dike Ajiri

Written by Dike Ajiri


Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Professional Pickleball Player

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